We stood up from our campfire dinner and counted how many we could see from where we were eating. 42. All visible just from where we were standing.
As soon as dinner was done we went inside the tent and stayed away from the 8-legged campers.
When we got ready for bed we had to make our way to the bathroom so we stood in a line, each person holding onto the shirt of the one in front and Dad leading the way with a big stick to hit the spiders out of the way. We did get some decent pictures, both of the camping trip and of the spiders. So here they are.
Nighttime pics of the creepy-crawlies. I don't know how well you can tell but they were quite large. Each had a body as big as a quarter and when the legs are moving...I get the creeblies even thinking about them. I do not know how I managed to sleep that night.
EEwwww, I hate spiders. I would have slept in the car.