We are Family. Team Edwards is where you want to be. We walk and sing and stay in line. Together like the sun we shine. Our mascot is the Octopus. Eight team members. Fabulous! Daddy, Isabelle and Jack, Mommy's bringing up the back! Cruz, Eva, Anya too, Georgio. What can't we do? Love and kindness, charity, Friendly, teamwork, energy! We sound like a flock of birds. Here we go, it's TEAM EDWARDS!

Friday, March 25, 2011
Jack's hockey grin!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Honk if you see me!
This is my new ride, so if you live in Arlington, expect to see me out and about in this. Whenever you think to yourself "who is that crazy lady riding around with those kids," it's probably me! Honk if you see me! I'm loving this new way of saving gas money. All errands within a 4 mile radius are now pedaled to! Last week while Christopher was home with the youngest ones napping, I took Isabelle and Jack out. They each rode their scooters (Christmas presents) and I rode the bike, we went to 3 grocery stores (couponing) and returned home, the entire trip was 4 miles. We had loads of fun and the kiddos were troopers. No complaints at all, except on the last street on the way home they agreed with eachother that their legs were tired. Yeah for saving money, being green, and a healthier body!
Spring Break
Rodeo Day
Kindergarten had a Rodeo Day to wrap up their Texas unit. The kids got to dress as cowboys and bring and props they wanted (except for toy guns). Jack loves his stick horses so that worked out well. He apparently ropped quite a few stuffed cows during gym class. Uncle Gabe brought out a couple of belt buckles for him to choose from. We couldn't find the right kind of belt, unfourtunately so I had to tape one side of the buckle onto his belt, yes, I am that ghetto.
Snow Day (that turned into a week)
In Texas we generally get about 1 'snow day' per year, usually it's just ice though, not really snow. However this year our snow day turned into a snow week. Christopher and the kids were out ALL WEEK, starting February 1st, and it was wonderful. We played games and did projects and spent time together and since it was cold and miserable outside we didn't leave the house. On friday, we ventured out in our snow gear to walk the 2 blocks to the nearest Redbox for some movies. And we only had one fall on the trip, Christopher and Eva slipped on some ice and went down together. The only pictures we took were from the first day. The kids woke up and looked out at the snow, they immediately noticed some foot prints that seemed to come from nowhere and go nowhere. They woke us up to show us and we decided to solve the mystery! It became the mystery of the footprints, we went out and measured the footprints and mapped the trail, following it as much as possible and then we let each of the kids come up with a possible solution to who could've left the prints. Each of the kids dressed themselves for the cold weather, as you can see they were rather creative. When they had all submitted their answers Christopher got on the computer with them and 'researched' until they determined the prints to be from a common housecat. It was so much fun!
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